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Wellbeing is... "the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy"

Wellbeing is for everyone... Having good mental health helps us relax more, enjoy our lives and accomplish more.

Minding your mental health

Your mental health is an important part of how you function. Staying on top of our mental wellbeing is good for us now but also helps us manage difficult times in the future.

Being mindful of your mental health can help: improve your focus, enhance performance, reduce stress and burnout

Wellbeing comes from within

Your pathway to wellbeing will be unique to you, resulting from an awareness of where you are and what you need.

As you progress:

  • Listen to your body and mind – Take note of what is going on.
  • Take small steps - Explore the results.
  • Aim to create a positive environment where you can thrive.
  • Embrace support from others - friends, family, or whoever feels helpful to you.
  • Be compassionate to yourself as you go and start again when you need to.
  • Consider the bigger community and environment, whose wellbeing is entwined with yours.
  • Remember that wellbeing is our natural feeling - Believe your sense of what is right for you.

Looking after yourself

Image Source: ATU Library

ATU Services

Student health and wellbeing.

Student Mentor

If you need help, are stressed or anxious about your study or exams, you can get in touch with your ATU student mentor.