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Enda McDonagh Collection

Rules for Researchers


The Reverend Professor Enda McDonagh Collection is available for consultation to bona fide researchers in Moore Library, ATU under the direct supervision of staff, subject to signing a confidentiality agreement and subject to the conditions of access governing consultation of archival material at ATU Library.

All users are asked to read the following information and to adhere to the rules of use to help protect the collection. These rules are in place to ensure the security and preservation of the collection in our care and to provide for the overall security and comfort of our readers.

The collection is available for consultation:
Thursday: 10.00am - 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 4.00pm | Document retrieval: 11.00am and 2.30pm


  • Those wishing to consult the collection must contact the Senior Librarian by email at or 
  • To consult material users must register with the library by completing and signing a registration form.  In signing the registration form, you are agreeing to adhere to the rules for researchers in Moore Library, ATU. Users must produce proof of identity, such as college ID or a driver’s license and sign a confidentiality agreement.
  • Users must sign the visitor’s book each time they enter the library to consult material.
  • Users are advised to give advance notice of their requirements where possible. A document order form can be filled out at the desk and please refer to the document retrieval times indicated above.
  • Personal belongings may not be brought into the library when consulting archival material, apart from items for taking notes. Personal items will be stored securely for readers.
  • Items liable to damage documents are prohibited in the library, including food, drinks (including bottled water), pens, markers, ink, sharp objects, erasers, correction fluids or adhesives of any kind. Use only lead pencils.
  • Readers must not remove archives from the library and are responsible for the safety of the materials produced to them until they are returned to the librarian.
  • You must comply with the instructions of library staff for the safety and security of the collection and the building.

Users must handle items with great care and follow the instructions of staff in relation to handling. Library staff reserve the right to withdraw material from use, when such use would adversely affect the material.

Please observe the following:

  • Ensure hands are clean when handling material.
  • Maintain the order of material being consulted.
  • Do not lick or moisten fingers before turning pages.
  • Do not fold or mark material.
  • Do not lean on material.
  • Do not underline, highlight or mark archival records in any way.
  • Return material as you have received it, with documents in the same order.

General principles to uphold when using the Library:

  • Users should work quietly and please treat staff and other readers with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • Phones and other electronic devices are not permitted.
  • A librarian will be on duty during core hours, and can offer assistance in using any of the items.
  • CCTV is in operation for the purpose of ensuring the security of staff, patrons, facilities and collections.

Publishing Material:

Any requests for publication of extracts must be agreed in writing. Please ask the Senior Librarian.